
Sitecore SXA – ‘Open in Overlay’ checkbox missing?

If any of you have faced this issue that Sitecore SXA’s feature Open in Overlay is missing then this might help you.


The root cause of the issue was that the rich text editor was not using the customized HyperlinkManager and was using the default Telerik HyperlinkManager, to fix this please do the following:
  • Open the \**Website Root**\sitecore\shell\Controls\Rich Text Editor\EditorPage.aspx file
  • Add the following attribute to the <telerik:radeditor ID="Editor" inside of the EditorPage.aspx file
    • ExternalDialogsPath="~/sitecore/shell/controls/rich text editor/Dialogs/"
  • Clear browser cache

Sitecore Support reference for this fix is # 228508

Note that I was using Sitecore SXA version 1.8.1 when I got this issue.


Sitecore SXA – Fix for missing items in VariantSection template

Here is a quick post about a known issue in Sitecore SXA version 1.8.1 with Sitecore 9.0

Issue is the VariantSection template in Rendering Variant is missing some items on the IsLink field that is Droplink just on VariantSection template.

Sitecore Support has provided the package that installs the missing items. If anyone needs, I have shared the link at the end of this post.

Screenshot showing the issue is as below:Sitecore SXA - VariantSection IsLink Field

After applying the fix it should look as below:Fixed VariantSection template IsLink Field

Just in case if you need Sitecore public reference number for this issue is 326111

Download Sitecore Support Package (